For Mice

“Nelson is nevertheless an intriguing new voice — one who may not be easy to listen to but who should be heard…Nelson’s bizarre plot results in suspenseful moments that are genuinely unsettling.” - The Los Angeles Times

“This taut 70-minute psychological thriller is no joke… Nelson profoundly hints in Mice at the powerful hold of religious adherence and identity…a high-suspense game of life and death with winners and losers you won’t guess.” - LAist

“Mice holds you in a state of suspense from start to finish...” - Discover Hollywood Magazine

“Blithely violates taboos and sensibilities, unsettling us on a visceral level” - Theatre Ghost

“Schaeffer Nelson’s Mice is a strange little play…It’s a creepy story and not for everyone.” - StageRaw

For kings of israel

“Kings of Israel may have ‘purists’ and Evangelicals banging their chests and crying ‘Blasphemy!’, but superb writing, believable motivations, excellent pacing, fantastic acting, and clever recontextualization supersede all negatives. Kings of Israel is currently best of the Fringe theatrical productions I’ve seen.” - KC Metropolis

“I was tickled by this provocative humanization of the Biblical legend, and find myself thinking more about it the morning after…” - KC Stage

“A wonderful addition to the KC Fringe Festival.” -

“A terrific show…This was not the version I learned in Sunday School.” - B.G. Thomas, bestselling novelist

For Creepypastas

“Schaeffer Nelson seems to be a big master of WEIRD Creepy pastas.” - MrCreepyPasta